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Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Exploring Mysterious Abandoned Mansions

abandoned mansions cambusnethan priory3 Exploring Mysterious Abandoned Mansions
Many of us would jump at the opportunity to live in a period property. The thought of reclaiming the character intrinsic within those old features and integrating it into a modern living space is irresistable, barring the price tag of course!  Here’s a selection of fine yet derelict mansions, which are currently more the subject or urban exploration than revival.  But if money were no object, how would you fancy taking on one of these abandoned buildings as a renovation project?

1. Cambusnethan Priory, Scotland (above)
Built in 1820 for the Lockhart family of Castlehill, Cambusnethan Priory is one of the few remaining examples of gothic revival architecture in Scotland.  The house was converted into a hotel in 1980, but this change of use was short-lived.  The hotel closed in 1984, leaving it to the mercy of a nasty cocktail comprising time, arson, vandalism and a liberal helping of inclement Scottish weather.  Awarded both Grade A listed status for its historic importance, and a well earned place on the Scottish Civic Trust Buildings at Risk Register, Cambusnethan Priory is in terrible condition today and urgently in need of some TLC.

2. Shandon House, Scotland
abandoned mansions shandon house1 Exploring Mysterious Abandoned Mansions

Remaining in bonnie Scotland, we stumble across this spooky – and very derelict – example of Scottish Baronial architecture.  The pointed towers are distinctive of 19th century Scottish revival, and you get the impression the Wicked Witch of the West may have rented this place had she ever decided to visit chilly Caledonia.  Shandon House was built for William Jamieson in 1849 and is set in 31 acres overlooking Gare Loch.  This once picturesque setting is now dominated by Faslane Naval Base, home of the UK’s Trident nuclear submarines.
Due to its location, the house (formerly used as St Andrew’s School) was purchased by the Ministry of Defense, but has been derelict for over a decade.  The views are now marred by the abandoned remains of a remand home, and now that the place has been allowed to rot for a sufficient length of time, renovation would be a time consuming and costly affair.  As a result, the Ministry of Defense is apparently looking to sell it.  Any takers?

3. Hafodunos Hall, Wales

abandoned mansions Hafodunos Hall1 Exploring Mysterious Abandoned Mansions
Across the British Isles, the abandoned Hafodunos Hall still stands well amid the North Wales countryside, just 10 miles from the coast (and currently for sale!).  The fantastic abandoned mansion remained in good condition until it was targeted by arsonists in 2004 and consequently gutted by fire.
Situated close to the village of Llangernyw, the hall was designed by Sir George Gilbert Scott (grandfather of Sir Giles Gilbert Scott who designed the famous Battersea and Bankside power stations) between 1861 and 1866 for Henry Robertson Sandbach.  Scott was considered among the most important advocates of Gothic Revival styling in domestic architecture, and Hafodunos is the only example of his Venetian-inspired country house style in Wales.

4. Abandoned Mansion, Ostrowo, Poland
abandoned mansions Ostrowo Adlig1 Exploring Mysterious Abandoned Mansions

abandoned mansions Ostrowo Adlig 2 Exploring Mysterious Abandoned Mansions

Ostrowo is a village in Poland, and home to the grand house above which looks to be in reasonably good condition.  Though clearly once the home of an affluent family, perhaps this abandoned house is not quite ready to give up its secrets yet – except perhaps to urban explorers.  Despite the lack of information, check out these awesome pictures by the same photographer.

5. Arlington, Natchez, Mississippi
abandoned mansions Arlington1 Exploring Mysterious Abandoned Mansions

Arlington, built in 1816, is a Federal style mansion in Natchez, Mississippi.  The property was declared a national historic landmark in 1974 but is nevertheless sinking into total decay.  Recently, the longterm survival of Arlington had become an issue of grave concern, with the building’s future hanging in the balance.  With part of the house destroyed by fire, a missing roof and liberal amounts of spray paint covering the walls inside and out, it seems the chances of rescuing this historically important abandoned mansion are becoming increasingly slim.

6. Nam Koo Terrace, Hong Kong
abandoned mansions Nam Koo Terrace Exploring Mysterious Abandoned Mansions
Nam Koo Terrace is a classical Chinese mansion built 90 years ago, then later abandoned.  According to rumour, the house has a dark side to its history, which continues to rear its ghoulish head in modern times.  Reportedly, Nam Koo was once used by the Japanese army to house “comfort women”, for the soldiers’ pleasure.  Local legend has it that several years ago a young girl walked out the house, apparently possessed, and attacked police officers walking by.  Could this be why Nam Koo Terrace remains abandoned to this day?

7. Other Abandoned Mansions
abandoned mansions other Exploring Mysterious Abandoned Mansions

abandoned mansions other 2 Exploring Mysterious Abandoned Mansions

abandoned mansions other 3 Exploring Mysterious Abandoned Mansions

The most famous fairytale castles

The most famous fairytale castles are probably the ones that originate from legends and myths. Well known examples are King Arthur’s Camelot and the Cinderella and Sleeping Beaty castles that can be found in several theme parks around the world. This list contains their real world counterparts and source of inspiration. These real fairytale castles are just as magical and most are associated with stories and fairy tales of their own.

1. Château du Haut-Koenigsbourg
Château du Haut-Koenigsbourg
The château du Haut-Kœnigsbourg is nestled at a strategic location on a high hill overlooking the Alsatian plain in the Vosges mountains, France. It was used by successive powers from the Middle Ages until the Thirty Years’ War when the castle was burned and pillaged by Swedish troops after a 52-day siege. After this the Château was left unused for a few hundred years and became overgrown by forest. In 1899 it was given to the German emperor Wilhelm II and rebuilt as it was on the eve of the Thirty Years’ War. When the French confiscated the castle after WWI it was considered fashionable to sneer at the castle because of its links to the emperor. Many considered it to be nothing more than a fairytale castle.

2. Matsumoto Castle
Matsumoto Castle

Built in the 16th century, Matsumoto Castle is considered one of Japan’s most famous castles. It is a flatland castle because it is not built on a hilltop or amid rivers, but on a plain. The castle’s complete defences included an extensive system of inter-connecting walls, moats and gatehouses. During the Edo period, the castle was ruled by the 23 lords of Matsumoto representing 6 different daimyo families. In this period the stronghold was also known as Crow Castle because its black walls and roofs looked like spreading wings.

3. Neuschwanstein
#1 of Fairytale Castles
The ultimate fairytale castle, Neuschwanstein is situated on a rugged hill near Füssen in southwest Bavaria. It was the inspiration for the Sleeping Beauty castles in the Disneyland parks. The castle was commissioned by King Ludwig II of Bavaria as a retreat and as a homage to Richard Wagner. The castle was near completion in 1886 when, in 1886, the King was declared insane by a state commission and found dead a few days later. Since then over 50 million people have visited Neuschwanstein. It is the most photographed building in Germany and is one of the country’s most popular tourist destinations.

4. Krak des Chevaliers
Krak des Chevaliers

Krak des Chevaliers is widely recognised as the archetypal Crusader castle. The word Krak coming from the Syriac karak, meaning fortress. Described by Lawrence of Arabia as “perhaps the best preserved and most wholly admirable castle in the world”, this somewhat isolated site is located magnificently atop a 650 meter (2130 ft) high hill and is, indeed, extremely well-preserved. The original fortress at the location had been built in 1031 for the emir of Aleppo and captured during the First Crusade. It was by the Knights Hospitaller as their headquarters. The castle was expanded between 1150 and 1250 and eventually housed a garrison of 2,000. Today it represents one of the premier tourist attractions in Syria.

5. Alcázar of Segovia
Alcázar of Segovia
Rising out on a rocky crag above the confluence of the rivers Eresma and Clamores in Segovia, the Alcázar is one of Spain’s most famous castles. The Alcázar was originally built as an Arab fort but has served as a royal palace, a state prison, a Royal Artillery College and a military academy since then. During the Middle Ages it was one of the favorite residences of the monarchs of the Kingdom of Castile and a key fortress in the defense of the kingdom. It was during this period a majority of the current building was constructed.

7 Creepiest Landscapes On Earth

1. Geological Rhino
 Another Icelandic landscape, this one showing Hvítserkur, an old volcanic injection of magma whose surrounding rock the ocean wore away. Looks like some monstrous, literally stone age rhino to us.

2. Cliff Skull
 Taken at Lake Cumberland in Kentucky, this skull-like face is apparently one of many in the cliff face caused by naturally occurring decay and erosion. One's enough, thank you very much.

3. Looking Out to Sea

Looking like an old man watching the sea, perhaps for signs of impending doom, this photo was taken in Kilve Beach in Somerset, England, famous for its fossils – of giants?

4. Face in Profile

This next profile of a rock face in a rock face is in Yosemite's famous Taft Point. A stone giant grimly surveying his kingdom from 3500 feet up while facing off with the big nose of El Capitan, opposite.

5. Gateway to Hell

The jets of hot steam and sulphurous gases known as fumaroles plus its sterile, acidic ground give Iceland's Námaskarð pass the look of an opening into the devil's own domain. 

6. Straight out of Hell

What is it about Iceland that makes its landscape so creepy? Well those solfatares emitting hot steam – in this photo near Myvatn – definitely have something to answer for.

7. Icelandic Stone Trollsc

This snap is riddled with trolls, which according to Icelandic legend turn to stone in daylight. There's an obvious one, bottom right, but look closely and you'll see others. The ridge itself is like a sleeping giant.

Legendary Lost City of Atlantis Found in Southern Spain, Archeologists Claim

lost city of atlantis Legendary Lost City of Atlantis Found in Southern Spain, Archeologists Claim
In the mysterious world of urbex and abandoned cities, none are more iconic – or debated – than the lost city of Atlantis. Described by Plato in 360BC as an island lying in front of the Pillars of Hercules, thousands of years of searching historically found nothing despite promising archeological discoveries. But now, researchers claim to have located Atlantis in the wetlands of southern Spain, despite the feeling among many scholars that the city was nothing more than a Greek myth or fantastical urban legend.
atlantis ruins Legendary Lost City of Atlantis Found in Southern Spain, Archeologists Claim
Using Plato’s writings as his starting point, Professor Richard Freund, from Hartford University in Connecticut, used deep-ground radar, digital mapping and satellite imagery to locate what he called “one of the largest and most ancient cities at the bottom of a huge marsh”, north of Cadiz in Spain’s Donaña National Park. The resulting documentary, Finding Atlantis, was screened by National Geographic in the U.S. on Sunday.
atlantis temple Legendary Lost City of Atlantis Found in Southern Spain, Archeologists Claim
Freund’s theory hinges on Plato’s assertion that Atlantis was destroyed by a “natural disaster”, believed to be a tsunami, in 9,000BC: “This is the power of tsunamis,” Freund told the Daily Telegraph. “It is so hard to understand that it can wipe out 60 miles inland, and that’s pretty much what we’re talking about.” Freund also claimed that refugees fleeing the tsunami established “memorial cities” in central Spain.
map of atlantis Legendary Lost City of Atlantis Found in Southern Spain, Archeologists Claim
The find – the latest among a surge of discoveries fueled by Atlantis-mania over the years – could be the most compelling evidence yet that the lost city really existed. But like many ground breaking archeological finds, controversy is never far away. The film’s claims were dismissed Monday as scientifically unreliable while Professor Freund was accused of sensationalising the work of a team of Spanish scientists led by anthropologist Juan Villarías-Robles. The Spanish team did, however, confirm what appeared to be a sunken city, with conclusions expected later this year.


Not all of places that you see are amazing. But, there are some places below that you will be amazed when you see them. Before you see the place below, I want to say thanks because you have visited my blog.

1. Victoria Waterfalls, Southern Africa

The largest sheet of falling water in the world, the Victoria Waterfalls has a width of 1.7 km and height of 108 meters. An incredible view and sound, these spectacular waterfalls are breathtaking.

2. French Alps, France

With one of the most beautiful sceneries in the world, the French Alps offer views of the alpine mountains, lakes and river valleys. Take a view off one of the scariest bridges ever from Europe’s highest mountain, Mont Blanc.

3. Amazon Rainforest, South America

The Amazon rainforest spans over a billion acres and makes itself home to huge number of planets and animals, many of which are endangered and even undiscovered. One of the most majestic places on the planet, this paradise is awe-inspiring and magnificent.

4. Mamanuca Islands, Fiji

A true paradise of white sandy beaches and beautiful clear blue water, the Mamanuca Islands are picturesque.

5. Sahara Desert

Perhaps not favorable in mid-day heat, the Sahara Desert offers a simple pleasure of amazing night sky views that are incomparable to anywhere in the world.

6. Blue Grotto Cave, Italy

The Blue Grotto sea cave off the coast of the Island of Capri is a natural cave structure with crystal clear blue water that is so amazing you will feel as though you are actually in paradise. The blue reflection is caused by sunlight that passes through a cavity underwater and accentuates the waters color.

7. Santorini Island, Greece

A small volcanic island off the southeast coast of Greece’s main island, Santorini (Thira) offers the most amazing views in the world. The island overlooks the deep blue sparkling sea, and delivers breathtaking views and sunsets you have to see to believe.

7 Greatest Mountain In The World

Do you ever go to the mountain? It's amazing when we see the landscape on the mountain. But, there are some unique mountain that I will explain to you. For example, Mount Everest.

1. Mount Everest
#1 of Mountains Of The World
At 8,848 meters (29,029 ft), Mount Everest is the highest mountain on Earth. It is located on the border between Nepal and Tibet. The highest mountain in the world attracts climbers of all levels, from well experienced mountaineers to novice climbers willing to pay substantial sums to professional mountain guides to complete a successful climb. Although other eight-thousanders such as K2 are much more difficult to climb, Mount Everest still has many inherent dangers such as altitude sickness, weather and wind. People who die during the climb are typically left behind and it is not uncommon to find corpses near the standard climbing routes. On May 29, 1953, Sherpa Tenzing Norgay Sherpa and New Zealander Edmund Percival Hillary were the first to climb to the summit of Everest.

2. Table Mountain
Table Mountain is a flat-topped mountain overlooking the city of Cape Town in South Africa. It’s main feature is a level plateau approximately 3 kilometers (2 mi) from side to side, surrounded by steep cliffs. The highest point on Table Mountain is 1,086 meters (3,563 ft) above sea level. There is a cableway that takes passengers to the top of the mountain with views overlooking Cape Town, Table Bay and Robben Island to the north, and the Atlantic seaboard to the west and south. António de Saldanha was the first European to land in Table Bay. He climbed the mighty mountain in 1503 and named it ‘Table Mountain’.
Table Mountain

3. Monte Fitz Roy
Monte Fitz Roy
Monte Fitz Roy is a 3,375 meter (11,073 ft) high mountain on the border between Argentina and Chile. Despite its average height the mountain has a reputation of being extremely difficult to climb because the sheer granite faces present long stretches of arduous technical climbing. In addition, the weather in the area is exceptionally severe and treacherous. The mountain also attracts many tourists and photographers thanks to its otherworldly shape. It was first climbed in 1952 by French alpinists Lionel Terray and Guido Magnone.

4. Mount Huang
Mount Huang is a mountain range in eastern China also known as Huangshan (“Yellow Mountain”). The area is well known for its scenery, sunsets, peculiarly-shaped granite peaks and views of the clouds from above. Mount Huang is a frequent subject of traditional Chinese paintings and literature, as well as modern photography. The tallest peak in the Huangshan mountain range is the Lotus Peak at 1,864 meters (6,115 ft). In ancient times almost 60,000 stone steps were carved into the side of the mountain. Today there are also cable cars that tourists can use to ride directly from the base to one of the summits.

Mount Huang

5. K2
With a peak elevation of 8,611 meters (28,251 ft), K2 is the second-highest mountain on Earth, after Mount Everest. The mountain is part of the Karakoram range, located on the border between China and Pakistan. K2 is also known as the Savage Mountain due to the difficulty of ascent and one of the highest fatality rate for those who climb it. K2 is notable for its local relief as well as its total height. It stands over 3,000 meters (9,843 ft) above much of the glacial valley bottoms at its base. More extraordinary is the fact that it is a consistently steep pyramid, dropping quickly in almost all directions. An Italian expedition succeeded in ascending to the summit of K2 on July 31, 1954.

6. Matterhorn

The Matterhorn is a famous mountain and an iconic emblem of the Swiss Alps. The mountain derives its name from the German words Matte, meaning meadow, and Horn, which means peak. With its 4,478 metres (14,692 ft) high summit, lying on the border between Switzerland and Italy, it is one of the highest peaks in the Alps. It is also one of the deadliest peaks in the Alps. From the first time it was climbed in 1865 to 1995, 500 alpinists have died on it. The Matterhorn’s faces are steep, and only small patches of snow and ice cling to them while regular avalanches send the snow down to accumulate on the glaciers at the base of each face.

7. Mount Kinabalu

Mount Kinabalu

With a summit height at 4,095 meters (13,435 ft), Mount Kinabalu is the highest mountain in Borneo. The mountain is known worldwide for its tremendous botanical and biological species biodiversity. Over 600 species of ferns, 326 species of birds, and 100 mammalian species have been identified at Mount Kinabalu and its surrounding. The main peak of the mountain can be climbed easily by a person with a good physical condition, and requires no mountaineering equipment although climbers must be accompanied by guides at all times.

Top 6 Natural Wonders of the World 

The Earth is an extraordinary planet but not just because of the amazing variety of life that it supports. The land itself, natural waters and the geological formations of the planet are impressive and breathtaking. The variation of the Earth’s natural wonders ranges from waterfalls, lakes and reefs to mountains, canyons and caves. The stunning views seen in nature are the world’s most beautiful sights. Millions of people travel to these locations every year from all over the planet.

1. Sahara Desert, North Africa

The Sahara is the world’s largest hot desert covering over 9 million km sq of area. Spanning most of Northern Africa (Morocco, Egypt, Sudan, Chad and Algeria), it’s almost as large as the continent of Europe. Consisting of rocky formations and large sand dunes, a trip through the Sahara is one of mystique and desolation. Visitors can experience the various cultures around the desert through the little Saharan villages.











2. The Great Barrier Reef

Underwater on the Great Barrier Reef 
The Great Barrier Reef is the world's largest coral reef system composed of over 2,900 individual reefs and 900 islands stretching for over 2,600 kilometres (1,600 mi) over an area of approximately 344,400 square kilometres (133,000 sq mi). The reef is located in the Coral Sea, off the coast of Queensland, Australia.
The Great Barrier Reef can be seen from outer space and is the world's biggest single structure made by living organisms. This reef structure is composed of and built by billions of tiny organisms, known as coralpolyps.It supports a wide diversity of life and was selected as a World Heritage Site in 1981.CNN labeled it one of the seven natural wonders of the world. The Queensland National Trust named it a state icon of Queensland.

3. Halong Bay, Vietnam

Halong Bay – meaning ‘Descending Dragon Bay’ in Vietnamese- is a UNESCO World Heritage site. It features thousands of limestone karsts and oddly-shaped islets rising from emerald green waters. The evolution of these limestone karsts has taken over 20 million years to form, under the impact of the tropical wet climate. With such biodiversity and ecologically-rich grounds, there is also a thick cultural and historical side to the country.










4. The Grand Canyon

The Grand Canyon is an enormous ravine situated in the state of Arizona in the United States. Seen from the space the Colorado River is most conspicuous feature of the south western desert, which creates The Grand Canyon. In just a few million years, this river has cut through the ancient Colorado plateau creating a canyon 277 miles long and in some places 18 miles wide. The most ancient rocks of The Grand Canyon are approximately 2 billion years old, which is nearly half the age of the Earth itself.
The world’s largest canyon creates its own awesome weather. One day can bring both blistering sunshine and scores of snow. Yet another more fundamental force is at work, the rim of the Grand Canyon is still rising and consequently the river below is still cutting its way ever deeper through the rocks.

5. Ngorongoro Crater, Tanzania

The crater is a sprawling conservation land, with one of the largest concentrations of wildlife in Africa. As a natural sanctuary to thousands of birds, lions, zebras, black rhino, it is often called Africa’s Eden.
Known as the “largest unbroken caldera in the world”, the crater is 610 meters deep and 260 sq km. Only the indigenous tribe of Maasai are allowed to live in the land.The crater is most popular for bird watching, photography, walking safaris, and game viewing.


6. Iguazu Falls, South America

Located on the Argentinean-Brazilian border, the falls divide the countries, as if the waters were plunging off the edge of the tectonic plates. It has been compared with the Victoria Falls and Niagara Falls, but the Iguazu definitely offers better views and well-designed walkways. At the Devils’s Throat, you are standing in the midst of the torrential waters, surrounded by 360degrees of waterfalls. Visitors can see the falls from the Brazilian side (Foz de Iguacu) or the Argentinean side (Puerto Iguazu).
Devil's throat

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

The 7 Most Unique and Strange Beach In The World

All of you always spend your holiday at the beach. But, not all of them you can visit. In this article, I will explain the 7 most unique and strange beach in the world...

1. Glass Beach
Glass Beach is a section of coastline in MacKerricher State Park in California. After World War II, it was used as a public dump for two decades until local officials halted the practice. Since that time, the waves have worn smooth the glass shards disposed on the shore. However sad the original cause, the result is quite pretty.

2. Red Sand Beach

Red sand beach is located in the South of Hana bay. Since the paths leading to the beach lie on cliffs, tourists should be careful when coming here. The red color of the sand is made from the ash of a coal mine located in the nearby hills surrounding the bay. Therefore, on swimming here, tourists should know the flow of water very well, especially not swim in the back of lava sea wall. Because this place is quite remote, there are many people coming here for nude bathing.

3. Airport Beach

Barra Airport is probably the only airport in the world where planes land on the beach. BRR is situated in on the wide beach of Traigh Mhor, on Barra island, in the Outer Hebrides, Scotland. If you want to fly here commercially you will want to book with British Airways, which flies to Barra from Glasgow and Benbecula.

The airport is literally washed away by the tide once a day, and if you arrive on a late afternoon flight, you may notice a couple of cars in the parking lot with their lights on, which provides pilots some added visibility, since the airport is naturally lit. Needless to say you probably don't want to hang out at Barra Airport beach, unless you are a aviation junkie, in which case Barra Airport has a fool proof system, as sign that reads: "Keep off the beach. When the windsock is flying and the airport is active.".

4. Inland Beach

Gulpiyuri beach is near Llanes in Spain. Gulpiyuri's name isn't its only bizarre facet: this beach is found completely inland in a gorgeous little cove which looks like something out of a fantasy. The Cantabrian Sea bored through the earth to create this sandy spot, and though you can't see the ocean, its waves to lap the shore just like any beach - it's odd, like a magical wave pool.

5. Green Sand Beach

Papakolea Beach, located in South Point of Hawaii island, is a green sand beach. It is one of the two green sand beaches in the world. It is discovered that the green color is from the olivine crystals in a coal mine nearby.

6. Hot Water Beach

Hot Water Beach is a popular geothermal attraction in New Zealand. This unusual beach attracts 130,000 visitors each year. The hot water can reach 64ºC (147ºF), but you'll have to dig a hole to enjoy it. These underground water reservoirs are formed by volcanoes as it reaches the surface. It's just the perfect location for a nice hot bath. Don't forget to bring some digging instruments and a bucket.

7. Bowling Ball Beach

On the Californian coast is a town called Mendocino. Nearby is a coastal feature called Schooner Gulch, and this is where you can feast your eyes on what has become known as the 'Bowling Ball Beach'. Thousands of rocks appear to have gathered together to defy the tides like an army of small boulders. The weird thing is that these boulders are uniform in size and shape, as well as in their spacing, though man has nothing to do with it.

The explanation is simple and purely geological in nature. Technically called concretions, these hard spheres are composed of materials far more resilient than the Cenozoic mudstone that once surrounded them. Over millions of years, this has eroded away under the constant onslaught of the Pacific Ocean, forming the cliffs that line the shore behind the beach and leaving the tougher 'bowling balls' behind.

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